Sunday, 24 February 2008

Manifesto Sunday

Since candidates could place their manifesto online after handing in their election forms, the this Sunday has traditionally been the one where all the candidates were putting their finishing touches (or writing) their manifesto for each position. Of the last two years, I spent this Sunday night up all night with candidates writing a manifesto: this time it's different.

The majority of the candidates in the Presidential & Vice-Presidential elections have gone early, and decided to release their manifestos early; but has this allowed some candidates to cherry pick the best policies? Gabe Arafa, who joined the contest for President quite late on in the game, seems to have a very clean and very efficient website - which seems to lend itself heavily to all of his competitors. But as has been commented on other websites, this is par for the course.

Hopefully a good look through the manifestos might be able to separate the wheat from the chaff?

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