Sunday, 17 February 2008

4 Days left ...

With work meaning that my postings are slightly further apart than I'd like, my thoughts on the candidates haven't really had a chance to form. It isn't helped by what can only be described as a shoddy website, and that the candidates haven't got as many websites up as yet.

It's still early days though...


Anonymous said...

The supreme irony here is that you're particularly handicapped by a poor EUSA website and a lack of candidate websites. The reason, of course, is that the internet is one of the only ways you can find out about the election because you're not a student and not in edinburgh!

Will our intrepid blogger be venturing to Scotland for the hustings?!

Jordan D said...

Well spotted on both those counts. I am however a Life Member (like thousands of others, but EUSA lost count, at some point after taking our money). As such, it'll entitle me to vote in some of the elections (Association Wide and Union).

Maybe there's a point in there about how EUSA is rubbish in letting it's Life (and probably Associate) members know about elections.

Anonymous said...

theres also the issue of part-time and/or distance learners, [which I am myself currently], who may not actually /be/ in Edinburgh but should be entitle to representation.