Thursday, 22 February 2007

News, Gossip and Rumours

A quick posting before I sleep, nearly 5 posts in one day should keep all those who read this blog happy!

Posters are coming up ... and down: Lots of candidates had their posters up today, including the first major tranche of posters from Kwan Ting Chan, Bruce Golding & Josh MacAlister, and a second batch of posters from Adam Ramsay. Photos to follow. However, the afternoon brought more disconcerting news as it appears that Josh's posters have come down in Pollock, whilst all the posters on the West and North sides of George Square suffered the same fate.

The Anti-Labour Webpage seems to be causing a stir, but at the same time are people just not bothered?

Manifesto Detail: One sources has told me that the reason that Josh is delaying his website's detailed manifesto because Adam hasn't been bothered to launch a proper website yet. However, this evening brings signs of a manifesto on Josh's site. Is Adam really bothered by a website or is he just relying on a P&P vote?

Real candidate gives his views: In what is surely a first in the EUSA Elections, Will Searle has decided to go with a web interview on YouTube (and syndicated through his website and Facebook group) to explain to people who is really is. A really new an innovative idea and something no other candidate can do without just seeming to be copying. No doubt this is a vote winner. Kudos where its due for the new idea.

Funny story of the day: I was in Tesco's this evening, which is itself not unusual. I was recognised by the check out assistant who thought I was standing in the elections - after I had corrected her (and told her she was a year late), she asked for my thoughts on this year's race. After mentioning some of the candidates she asked me about Tom & Adam .... asking if they are "always together" and if they are "together". I asked if she meant that they were working together on the same 'team'. Apparently not - she was asking if they were an item, because people only ever seem to see them together. Seems EUSA has its latest couple ...


Anonymous said...

I'm sure George will be delighted...

Tom French

Anonymous said...

Well, at least they're quite a bit sexier than Katherine and Nick...

The return of Anne Diamond and Nick Owen anyone?

No? I thought not.

Anonymous said...

The pollock security men have been taking down some of the posters - stuart nearly had his taken down today, but after a good talk we made them realise they have no right to do so, providing we remove them next Friday. For once this may not be dirty tricks so much as a genuine misunderstanding

Tom O'Grady

Anonymous said...

How rude!

Anonymous said...

Tom O'Grady to the rescue. Thank goodness his subordinates have this diety to save them from security guards.

What's it like to be amazing Tom? I imagine it is the same as being pompous, self-righteous and pious. What will Edinburgh do without you when you graduate?