Saturday 24 February 2007

New Circuit ...

To continue with the analogy (and to somewhat stretch it), having completed the first circuit of the course, navigating through the water jump that was the Fresh Air interviews on Friday (the smallest fence of the course, but the one likely to cause the odd problem), the candidates head out for the second circuit of the course.

This morning sees Tom French & Adam Ramsay (are they really a couple? - you see one, you see the other!) giving out leaflets to first year voters on their way out of Brunch in the JMC in Pollock Halls. An interesting take on these two candidates - has anyone else noticed that their posters don't appear to be pasted onto cardboard, but on plyboard. Now as election rules prohibit candidates from purchasing materials to put their posters on, you've got to ask - where have they got the wood from? And so much of it too? And both candidates have the same wood it appears ... more questions than answers.

Speaking of Adam, he too has a YouTube video. At nearly 4 minutes, its much longer, has some cringe worthy "endorsements", and I question: will 'ordinary' people sit through it all and watch it (yes, I know I have, but then I'm a bit of a hack), whereas Will Searle's video - albeit for a different position - is a great deal shorter and much snappier. Thoughts, as ever to the Comments button below.

A number of posters from the other candidates also look to be suffering - but that was a result of the constant rain on Thursday rather than any other reasons. However, this weekend will see a renewed effort with no doubt even more posters going up - the question is (especially in Bristo Square): where are they going to put them up? Photos to follow.


Anonymous said...

I'm told (by Tom) that the ply-board came from Adam Ramsay's dad's farm. (Funny how they have pre-cut A3 size boards with holes drilled in them, I guess they need them to help with the wild boar)

Anonymous said...

... because I'm sure Adam and Tom would never have manged to cut them up and make holes in them all by themselves...

Anonymous said...

Because I'm sure Tom and Adam would never have been able to cut up some plyboard and make some holes in it all by themselves...

Anonymous said...

Dear Jordan,

Is it true that Tom Grady phoned Holyrood magazine to tell them that Mark Ballard was running Adam's election campaign?

Anonymous said...

In that case if they are running together and sharing resources wouldn't that count as a slate and be against the election rules anyway?