Saturday 10 February 2007

A Week is a Long time ... (Unions)

Most of the chat within the Union elections (see EUSA Forum) is about multiple candidtures. All 5 people standing are standing for senior positions elsewhere in the Association (SRC Executive/Soc Convenor), and you've got to wonder about publicity budgets, and what they really want to commit to.

I'll be the first to admit that I've stood for SRC Exec and Unions at the same time, and have (in my many defeats) submitted candidtures for both Committee of Management and Union Exec, so whilst I shouldn't throw stones in glass houses, I will. Its not ideal to have people standing for both - remember last year Union Exec were returned unopposed - but could this be people really wanting to get involved in the way the Unions run, both day-to-day and strategic. It is very difficult to postulate when I haven't seen the manifestos and what appears online currently is either non-existent or very little.

It will be a debate that won't die soon.

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