Wednesday 7 February 2007

Up and Running

Well, its been the busiest opening two days in EUSA's election history according to the office, and the main talking points have been Sabb candidates and Facebook.

First thing first, Sabb candidates. On Monday, Adam Ramsay made the Presidential race, a race, by deciding to stand against Josh, in the most predictable, most 'known-in-advance' race in a while. Adam's website - - is not up and running yet, and all that it currently shows is who's hosting his domain.

Whilst Facebook tells you about the election candidates before they declare, Tuesday brought the 'official' declarations from Stuart MacLennan and Tom French - New Labour versus 'not quite' New Labour. The most Tory Labour candidate versus the Green Labour candidate. Label it however you want, all that is clear, is that the battle is going to be a tough one. Tom has taken the very unusual step of unveiling his manifesto now (and not waiting until the manifesto deadline), allowing everyone a good view of his policies, including allowing the undeclared James Wallace a chance to take an attack on them. I'll go through Tom's Manifesto later.

Website wise: Tom French's has a place holder of him outside McEwan Hall with his strap line of Better Unions. Delivered. Stuart has gone for Pints not Politics, which is an interesting choice, although his website (at ) is much more developed and seems to contain a lot of information, although he too originally had a photo of him outside McEwan Hall.

Facebook is a new ball game, being underused by the candidates last year, and only now really seeming to be effective. I've been invited to all three VPS Facebook groups although no Presidential ones.

Other candidates are starting to declare, which I'll cover in later posts.

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